Workplace = favorite place. Meeting point: 15:30 p.m. in Hub 2.

July 2022
"Whoever changes rooms changes people." Why a colorful slide has nothing to do with New Work and why a positive working environment is anything but trivial: Jochen Wagner, KAHL Büroeinrichtungen, Lisa Rosa Brautigam, nuwo, and Alexander Knapstein invite you to this exciting keynote speech by INSPIRATIONLABS at START Rhein-Neckar on Saturday.
With the topic "New Spirit through New Work" and as the main partner, the Mannheim-based company is enriching the event for founders, start-ups and the self-employed for the first time. "New Work offers a wide range of opportunities for companies and employees - we bring together the potential of people, place and technology," explains Managing Director Jochen Wagner. In addition to the keynote speech and subsequent discussion with the three speakers in Hub 2, KAHL equips the exhibition stage in the John Deere Forum and the Matching Floor.